What’s Brewing chosen as World Top 10 Beer Magazine by Feedspot
Well-known Internet content aggregator Feedspot has started a brand new global category called “Top 10 Beer Magazines And Ezines To Follow in 2018.” Lo and behold, your favourite BC beer magazine is included, right up there with stalwarts like DRAFT Magazine and All About Beer. What’s Brewing is the only Canadian representative.
This is in addition to our already-existing #54 rank on Feedspot’s two-year-old list, “Top 100 Beer Blogs & Websites Every Beer Drinker Must Follow.” WhatsBrewing.ca is one of four BC websites on that list, not far behind Canadian representatives like Beer Me BC (Position #44, #1 for Canada) and Canadian Beer News (position #47).
How were we chosen? Asked for comment, Anuj Agarwal, Feedspot’s founder, wrote, “I would like to personally congratulate you. What’s Brewing magazine has been selected by our panelists as one of the Top 10 Beer Magazines on the web. The Feedspot editorial team searched extensively on Google and social media websites to find the best beer magazines on the Internet, and ranked them based on several factors such as:
- Content quality
- Post consistency
- Age of the website
- Average number of shares on social media sites
- Traffic to your website, and more.”
Looks like the WB editorial team has yet more incentive to keep up the work level.