Moody Ales

Just Desserts: Six Rich, Dark Beers for Winter

Just Desserts: Six Rich, Dark Beers for Winter

Every three months, What’s Brewing gets together with JAK’S Beer Wine Spirits to create a new installment of our Tasting Panel series. This episode, for the first time ever, we reviewed six winter-ready rich, dark dessert beers!

Also check out our live Virtual Tasting Panel as they Zoom in on our six-pack of beers in a new @PacificBeerChat podcast episode.

THE DEATH OF CASKS…and my part in their downfall
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THE DEATH OF CASKS…and my part in their downfall

In 2013, I became president of the Vancouver branch of the Campaign For Real Ale BC (CAMRA BC), with a mandate of modernization, greater consumer advocacy, and membership growth. I also had a private agenda: to advance “real ale” in BC by curating cask festivals, promoting cask nights, and supporting establishments with a cask focus.

That's All There Was!

That's All There Was!