Main Street Brewing

Greater Vancouver Craft Brewers Unite for Ukraine

Greater Vancouver Craft Brewers Unite for Ukraine

Craft brewers from Port Coquitlam, Langley, North Vancouver and East Van joined together on March 24th to support Ukraine in their own unique way.

Rick Dellow, Head Brewer at PoCo Brothers Brewing, recently acquired an award-winning recipe for a Ukrainian Golden Ale donated by Pravda Beer Theatre in Lviv, Ukraine.

Their new collaboration, a Ukrainian Golden Ale, will be released at eight participating breweries in the next three weeks. Proceeds from keg sales as well as $2 per pint sold will be donated to World Central Kitchen to help feed displaced citizens from the Ukraine.

Bramling Cross: How Canada Gave Britain this Special Hop
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Bramling Cross: How Canada Gave Britain this Special Hop

For me in 2020, staying home and stewing has meant staying home and brewing. I brew classic British styles because the mild, bitter, and old ales I crave are rarely produced by BC brewers.

It turns out that during my early days of homebrewing in the UK, my two favourite hops had Canadian origins.

THE DEATH OF CASKS…and my part in their downfall
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THE DEATH OF CASKS…and my part in their downfall

In 2013, I became president of the Vancouver branch of the Campaign For Real Ale BC (CAMRA BC), with a mandate of modernization, greater consumer advocacy, and membership growth. I also had a private agenda: to advance “real ale” in BC by curating cask festivals, promoting cask nights, and supporting establishments with a cask focus.

That's All There Was!

That's All There Was!