
A Parting Toast, as Kelowna’s Boundary Brewing makes way for Welton Brewery
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A Parting Toast, as Kelowna’s Boundary Brewing makes way for Welton Brewery

April 30th 2020 marked the last day of Kelowna’s Boundary Brewing after 3 years in business in its current location. Here’s a parting Au Revoir to Boundary Brewing, and a hearty welcome with best wishes for Welton Brewing.

Featuring a word from Boundary Brewing owner Oliver Gläser. Also featuring his impressive, articulate Dec 2017 telephone interview about the Antifa harrassment crisis. If you haven’t met Oliver yet, this candid, passionate, yet impressively articulate discussion is a great way to get to know type of strong-willed person he is.

That's All There Was!

That's All There Was!