BC Craft Beer Month

BC Beer History: 2010s Events Break Through To The Crowd
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BC Beer History: 2010s Events Break Through To The Crowd

Events make up an important pillar of the craft beer movement. As part of our Summer 2020 Special Issue, we present a few words from people like Leah Heneghan, Rick Green, Amanda Barry-Butchart and Lundy Dale who helped establish some of BC’s most important event traditions between 2010-2011.

BC Beer Awards & Festival 2016
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BC Beer Awards & Festival 2016

Setting the scene: around a large table at Central City’s Red Racer Restaurant in downtown Vancouver, the team behind BC’s premier annual beer awards program has gathered to hammer out more of the never-ending decisions around this year’s event. BCBA’s five experienced Directors are steering the ship, and there’s always more to do.

That's All There Was!

That's All There Was!