Stories Archive

Frank Appleton: Brewer. Writer. Gentle Man.

Frank Appleton: Brewer. Writer. Gentle Man.


A toast is raised in honour of a multifaceted, talented, opinionated, gentle man: Mr. Frank Millington Appleton, who passed on April 25th at the age of 80.

We know that Frank, working alongside John Mitchell, was Canada’s founding craft brewer. Additionally, as a publication that has highlighted many very good writers including those noted above, we tip our cap to Frank for the combination of writing and brewing skills that made him a true dual threat, and ultimately a pioneer of the BC commercial brewing, homebrewing, and beer appreciation communities.

Cream Of The Crop: The North Island’s Cream Ales

Cream Of The Crop: The North Island’s Cream Ales

As a recent transplant to the North Island community of Comox, I had fun in the fall, social-distance visiting the local breweries. I noticed that a big seller was cream ale—both Gladstone Brewing and Land & Sea Brewing were serving it as fast as they could make it. Even Dave Paul’s nano-operation Love Shack Libations in Qualicum keeps a cream ale as one of his four core beers.

To The Pacific Rim: Exploring The Breweries of BC’s Far West
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To The Pacific Rim: Exploring The Breweries of BC’s Far West

In these times of social distancing and closed borders, we still have opportunities to explore in our own backyard. Brian K. Smith takes you on a four-day trip to Vancouver Island’s west coast to check out the recent arrivals in the craft beer scene, easily and affordably.

That's All There Was!

That's All There Was!