Year: 2020



What can I say about 2020 that we don’t already know? British Columbia confirmed the first case of COVID-19 in late January. Since then, the pandemic has evolved into an unprecedented healthcare crisis across our province and the world.

Hopefully, one day, we will not have the wariness lurking in our minds and we will be able to socialize again freely.

Did 2020 Impact BC Brewery Growth?
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Did 2020 Impact BC Brewery Growth?

Did COVID kill craft beer’s momentum? Is this wave of the craft beer revolution over? The returns are in: 2020 could have been a lot worse.

With the opening of La Cerveceria Astilleros, BC avoids recording the first year since 2013 with fewer than 20 brewery openings. Find out how that fits into the big picture of the #BCCraftBeer revolution in this special look at 2020.

#BCBeerCon Goes Virtual: Q&A With Ken Beattie
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#BCBeerCon Goes Virtual: Q&A With Ken Beattie

The BC Craft Brewers Guild is set to present their fourth annual BC Craft Brewers Conference in early February 2021 in virtual format. Tickets are on sale now.

To find out more about how the conference will work, we had a word with the Guild’s Executive Director, Ken Beattie.

Just Desserts: Six Rich, Dark Beers for Winter

Just Desserts: Six Rich, Dark Beers for Winter

Every three months, What’s Brewing gets together with JAK’S Beer Wine Spirits to create a new installment of our Tasting Panel series. This episode, for the first time ever, we reviewed six winter-ready rich, dark dessert beers!

Also check out our live Virtual Tasting Panel as they Zoom in on our six-pack of beers in a new @PacificBeerChat podcast episode.

BC Craft Beer Magazine Releases Winter Issue
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BC Craft Beer Magazine Releases Winter Issue

Vol. 30 No. 4 Winter 2020 is the Virtual Beerality issue of What’s Brewing magazine. In it, contributors and industry panelists explore the present and immediate future of BC craft beer as breweries deal with COVID-related societal change, virtual events, a shift away from the community hub, and surviving what might be the hardest winter the hospitality industry will see in generations.

Bramling Cross: How Canada Gave Britain this Special Hop
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Bramling Cross: How Canada Gave Britain this Special Hop

For me in 2020, staying home and stewing has meant staying home and brewing. I brew classic British styles because the mild, bitter, and old ales I crave are rarely produced by BC brewers.

It turns out that during my early days of homebrewing in the UK, my two favourite hops had Canadian origins.

Kelowna’s Longest-Serving Craft Brewery Is Reborn

Kelowna’s Longest-Serving Craft Brewery Is Reborn

In the Fall issue of What’s Brewing magazine, we told you that Freddy’s Brewpub of Kelowna had closed for remodelling during 2020. It turned out to be a good use of time during the onset of the pandemic, and now Freddy’s is back and ready to roll. Check out the impressive list of changes made to Kelowna’s original brewpub.

That's All There Was!

That's All There Was!