Local brewers support PuSh Festival with collaboration beer

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The annual PuSh International Performing Arts Festival is a celebration of theatre, dance, multimedia, music, and film. This year’s event is underway, taking place in Metro Vancouver Jan 16-Feb 4.

PuSh organizers are celebrating the fact that a special beer they can call very own has been released to coincide with the 2018 festival! Vancouver’s Strange Fellows Brewing and Port Moody’s Parkside Brewery have released the new collaborative beer in support.

Strange Side (6% abv) is described as a “lightly sweet & spicy Belgian Blonde Ale”. The beer was released in late December at select private liquor stores. It’s also available in cans at the breweries.

Partial proceeds from all sales of Strange Side will be donated to PuSh.

Iain Hill, Owner/Brewer at Strange Fellows, says that “Strange Fellows Brewing made a commitment to arts and culture from our earliest beginnings, and together with our good friends at Parkside Brewing we continue to support the PuSh Festival. In collaboration with Parkside and PuSh we’ve brewed a Belgian Abbey Style Blond Ale. The label, designed by Devon Byerley of Parkside, is in the style of a old playbill bringing a historic beer style together with a representation of theatre in its earliest form.” 

Parkside’s Brewmaster Vern Lambourne adds,“I love the arts, and I love Iain Hill, so it was a pleasure to collaborate with Strange Fellows and the PuSH Festival in support of a great cause.”

Look for a What’s Brewing  review of the beer soon! In the meantime, check out the PuSh Festival calendar of events here:

PuSh International Performing Arts Festival: Event Program

January 16th to February 4th 2018
Metro Vancouver: Various Locations


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