Year: 2016

Year In Review: Brewer of the Year: Julia Hanlon
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Year In Review: Brewer of the Year: Julia Hanlon

At the BC Beer Awards in October 2016, Steamworks Brewing received a pleasant confirmation: a product it was just in the process of launching received an unbuyable endorsement in the form of a First Place trophy in its category. Better yet, it also garnered Best Of Show honours.

Glass With Class: Vancouver gets its own custom growler shop

Glass With Class: Vancouver gets its own custom growler shop

One of the sure signs that BC and Vancouver have a maturing craft beer culture* is the appearance of ancillary products and services to serve the community’s needs. Look no further for a glittering example than Sigil & Growler, one of 2016’s most interesting debuts that’s not a brewery.

That's All There Was!

That's All There Was!